Text clustering: Clustezer

Clustezer v-5.0.20240601


🔝 AI Powered Sums up text with Top AI
💪 Long texts NelSenso.Net apps support text up to 32000 characters long.
🌐 Multilingual 25 Supported Languages
💲 Price 100% Free
🔒 Privacy None of the processed texts are stored or shared with anyone. We value your privacy.


Clustezer is the app that uses text clustering algorithms to group key phrases of a text or web page into self-determined thematic clusters (topics).



Jan/24 6

Version 5.0 of the NelSenso.Net apps has been released with numerous improvements in the AI ​​algorithms (entities detection and automatic morphological-grammatical analysis)

02/24 18

New! Summazer not only highlights the most semantically relevant sentences, but also displays in bold those that are fundamental and underlines those that characterise the context or knowledge domain

12/23 17

New! Summazer now automatically detects the rule of five "W": Who, What, Where, When, Why

10/23 26

Clustezer, the online text-clustering app, now also supports Oriental languages: Arabic, Chinese, etc.

09/23 17

Summazer automatically detects the main subject matter of the processed text, improving the quality of the extracted summary.

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